
Christians come together regularly in worship as an expression of their faith and in response to what God has done and continues to do in their lives. At Faith, we worship each Sunday in our chapel and through our online livestream. Whether you have been worshiping in churches for years or are just curious, you are welcome to join us anytime! Below are some answers to questions you may have before your first time with us.
Do I need to do anything special to prepare?
Not at all. You are welcome to come as you are. There is no dress code, secret handshake, or special language you need to have memorized. We recommend getting there a few minutes before the service begins. We have plenty of parking available in our lot. Our service takes place in our chapel along Colfax.
What are your COVID protocols?
We continue to follow all County, State, and CDC guidelines for steps to take to limit the spread of COVID-19. You are welcome to wear a mask, keep your distance, and take any precautions you need to take to feel safe, however none of these are required at this time. If you are at risk or uncomfortable being in group settings you can still worship with us through our livestream. Whatever your comfort level, we hope to be able to provide you with a safe and supportive environment.
What is the service like?
As we come out of depths of the pandemic, we are working to scale up our services to something like they were before. When you worship with us you will experience readings from the Bible, traditional Christian songs (hymns), meaningful music from many different sources, prayers, and a message aimed at helping you develop as a person of faith. You are invited to participate at whatever level is comfortable. The service usually lasts about an hour.
What do you have for my children during the service?
Families with children of all ages are welcome in our worship service. You are welcome to keep your younger children with you during the service. Baby cries and squirmy toddlers are not a problem. Elementary age children are welcome to play in our play yard under the watchful eyes of a staff member. We often have a children’s message during the service where kids are invited to come sit up front and hear an age appropriate talk.
Am I expected to donate to the church?
Absolutely not! During the service we usually take an offering that consists of tithes and donations from those in attendance. These funds are used to support the ministry and mission of the church. As a visitor to the church you should feel absolutely no obligation to contribute.
What if I have more questions?
We love questions! Feel free to reach out to Pastor Rich or contact the church office with anything else you may be wondering.