Campus Partners

We are grateful to have a wonderful community of organizations that call our campus home. Please visit their websites to learn more about the services the provide to Valley Village and beyond.

Village Arts offers year-round arts programs after school, weekends and at our summer camp. Currently, our performance and visual arts programs serve a diverse population of students and offer scholarships to families in need. We collaborate with the local artists to help teach, develop and create programming and continue to expand the array of classes we offer in performance and visual arts.

At Valley Village Montessori School, we believe that learning is a journey. We strive to develop engaged and independent thinkers who will embrace responsibility and leadership. Our goal is to inspire within our students a love of learning, academic success, emotional well-being, intellectual enthusiasm, and creativity.

VOALA services for children place an emphasis on Education, Literacy, and Health. The skills and confidence gained from our programs promote a stable home life and ensure a smooth transition into kindergarten and beyond. Working closely with the family unit and the community itself, we encourage the development of a positive narrative for our children providing internal voices of confidence, kindness, hope and accountability to building a stronger future.

Neighborhood Council Valley Village functions as a conduit or bridge between City Hall and Valley Village.